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Single canvas for your software development lifecycle

Does your pipeline implement the features bellow? If you are able to provide all of this on a tight budget that is a good sign of a mature and healthy R&D. However, if you are not there yet - we can give you hand and help you achieve all of this and more in no time.

Source Code

We enforce your branching strategy and help define change management, ensuring your development process is structured and efficient. Our tools can implement additional gates and checks to make sure that code flows only the way you intend to.

Automated Testing

Run all of your automated tests as part of your CI/CD. Test automation can be a nightmare to manage and often test runs take ages to complete while your people are anxiously waiting on the run results. We analyze your testing pyramid and implement your testing gates at the right places while utilizing a mixture of infrastructure that suits YOU.


Build your artifacts consistently and timely, regardless of complexity or tech stack. We ensure your builds are always reliable and up-to-date. Decades of experience in building everything from embedded software, through native applications, up to web apps allows us to set you up with the most efficient build that you can have.


Deploy in the cloud, on-premise, containers, or even in your IoT devices. We've got all deployment targets and operating systems covered. Agent or agent-less, Windows or Linux, virtual or physical machine, OS-based or service based - we've done it all.

Configuration as Code

We use configuration as code to set up your pipeline and manage deployments, giving your engineers full control over your CI/CD as an integral part of your intellectual property.


Your pipeline is responsible for managing your biggest asset as a software development company and you want to protect that asset. We make sure that sensitive information is managed properly and we only use tooling that has went under vigorous security testing while taking into consideration the best security practices. Furthermore, we can help you increase your product's security by implementing static code analysis, dependency scanning and even application vulnerability scanning.


Our experts have a successful track record of aiding organizations towards SOC2, ISO 27001, and government compliance without over-complicating the development process. Compliance controls are meant to help your organization, but if implemented without consideration of your R&D they can feel like a drag and annoyance to your team. We soften down the edges by automating and enforcing controls in a way that doesn't slow you down.

Release Notes

Our proprietary workflows can generate both technical and non-technical release notes so everyone in your organization and even your customers knows what's new. We consolidate information from GitHub and your project management system to list the changes and then we refine them with AI to better suite the target audience. With the right process in place you would never have to do this manually ever again.

Health Monitoring

The good health of your SaaS product is your top priority. We can bring the desperately needed visibility there with our GitHub embedded dashboards to help you track your distributed (or not) platform in one place.

Package Management

Packing any libraries for internal and/or external use? We will make this part of GitHub so you can manage your artifacts in one place. We utilize GitHub and some cloud feeds to deliver a simple yet effective package management solution.

Notify Stakeholders

Send notifications your developers when there is a problem with a change, notify your QA team when tests are failing, announce releases across the company, and even warn engineers when your platform health has degraded. Our proprietary Actions can use Microsoft Teams, Slack, Email, SMS and more to achieve this. 

Semantic Versioning

Versioning your products properly by acknowledging your breaking changes, minor additions and bug-fixes can be a burden without the right controls in place. We automate and enforce this with our tools so it's part of your change management and after each release you and your customers know the full impact of everything that's going out. Adopting an industry standard like SemVer is often overlooked, but the earlier you implement it - the better.

Audit History

Knowing who did what is instrumental not only for compliance and tracking issues but also to revisit why features were implement the way they are today. Connecting source code with your project management tool provides that missing link between business and tech that is a source of truth for what it was. As your organization matures, knowing your history will become more and more important for your future success.

Custom Controls

The above list is what is standard for CI/CD pipelines across organizations, but everyone is different and is growing in specific environment that needs to be acknowledged. We can help you flesh out those custom aspects of your business and make them a seamless part of your internal tooling.

A Glimpse of The Action


Are You Ready to Transform your R&D?

As a deliverable you will get all the necessary tools, services, Actions, Workflows and documentation to run your CI/CD pipeline with or without us. The intellectual property is yours to modify and adapt in the boundaries of your organization to aid your growth. Reach out to us to start your R&D transformation into becoming the well oiled production machine that it can be.

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